Larry L

CRank: 5Score: 28430

A related Fun-Fact for fight game fans.

Ed Boon and Team MK actually originally came up with the concept for this back in like 2002/3. Originally Mortal Kombat Deception was meant to be 2v1, 2v2 or 1v1v1v1 online, just like the opening movie of Deception with Raiden fighting both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. They talk about it in some of the the making of videos you open in The Krypt, and they have the concept art and even some of the work when they were trying to make it happen...

3998d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony stopped offering PS1 games for Plus because cry babies that post on the PSBlog who are the vocal minority were constantly crying about PS1 games just like they cry about anything, and once THAT gets changed.....they'll whine about something else. PSP games seem to be the current target.

I liked getting free PS1 and PSP games. They all look amazing on the Vita. That's why I love my Vita so much. All the PS1 FFs, Mega Man 1-3, even STar Wars Dark FOrces never looke...

3999d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

My favorite playthrough of Dragon Age Origins (of the 5 full runs I did), was the run I called "Just Me and My Dog". Nightmare run, just me (Arcane Warrior Mage) and my Mabari named Bitey. I was proud of Bitey to survive the final battle with the Archdemon. Unfortunately I had to sacrifice myself, but since then I've hoped that one of the future Dragon Age games would be based on the further adventures of Bitey.

4000d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

suuuuuuuuure it did..........

4002d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Actually Sony pulled an update before just because Xbox fanboys were spamming the playstation forum with mass reports of bricked consoles and 2 days later they put the update back up when they realised there was nothing wrong with it and they got duped. This wouldn't be the first time, so your argument that since Sony pulled it, the reports MUST be baseless.

4002d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Are all of you people really this gullible and naive to microsoft's propaganda machine?

It's common knowledge now that every time Sony has a big game come out, or are in any way dominating the media, every single time microsoft employees and fanboys coordinate internet propaganda campaigns where they go around every big gaming site and claim a new PS3 game or update bricks their PS3.

They've been doing it all this generation, to the point of one t...

4002d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Great piece. Loved the article and video.

Jeez, I remember when the neGcon come out thinking what a rediculous and stupid design for a controller, and just removed the product from my memory banks because it was so horrible. This video is actually the first time it's been brought back to memory and now as a huge sim racing fan and a couple racing sims on console getting pretty close to actually being sims imo......the design of the neGcon is actually GENIUS for a racing s...

4006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think the Joker DLC did either, did it?

Did 360 get the extra missions from the AC games? I don't play the series to know.

I know the huge Unreal Tournament expansion never came out on 360. And just because Epic refused to charge people for it and MS wouldn't allow them to give it away for free. Messed up. I remember Mark Rein going off about it in a post on the Unreal boards back when putting PC mods into the PS3 version of UT3 was my mai...

4007d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol Reminds me of Homer Simpson saying Poochie was going to be better than 10 SuperBowls.

4007d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing GT6 would do as a PS4 launch game is not sell enough copies to even cover the cost of making the game. Ps3 is the only answer from a business sense, then to upgrade for PS4 after the PS3 version is out, to put on PS4 once there's an install base that can support Gran Turismo.

Not only that, but GT and Yamauchi-san have unfinished business with PS3's hardware. GT5 turned out pretty good, but not everything it could be. They over-promised with GT5. They d...

4008d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's what I noticed. There were glitches and bugs all around E3. The weirdest thing about it though is that these glitches are happening on what is basically VIDEO!!!

On the PS LiveCast for example, when they were doing "LIVE gameplay" of the BF4 online, they had to reset it twice and on the second one the guns had none or glitchy textures and the game was stuttering, but they got pretty far on each time. But the thing is........everything is exactly the same...

4008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how MS's presser was better for gamers when the best games they showed were cross-platform games (MGS5, The Witcher). Aside from Forza, a poor man's God of War that's a Kinect game, and a game that's only getting hype because it's made by the real Infinity Ward and is exclusive for some reason (is this going to compete with a TRUE Battlefield experience coming to consoles.....and CoD......AND HALO on that platform?), I didn't see many compelling exclus...

4009d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a picky gamer too. When it comes to retail games I actually spend money on, it's VERY few though because of the cheaper price I do buy downloadable games I'm into a bit more often. I only ever even download about half of what they offer me on Plus, and the ones I do download 80% of them I play once, don't like it right off the bat then delete (these are good games, I'm not saying they're bad games at all, I'm just saying while I'm a huge gamer, I don't ...

4010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


While I won't go so far as to say casual gaming was a fad......because even hardcore gamers like good casual games. I do think that how BIG casual games got on the Wii was a fad.

If you think about it, aside from those rediculous hardware sales Wii got in it's first 4 or 5 years, at this the end of the generation.....does it really feel like Nintendo "won this generation"? Wii was a fad.......a HUGE one......but a fad no...

4010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pachter is a complete baffoon. There is no way in hell Sony is making a profit on PS4. Is he out of his F'ing mind?! The retail value of PS3's RAM alone is about $1000 (one thousand), now obviously Sony is not only getting the bulk deal, but also AMD is selling them as cheaply as possible. But component companies like AMD that provide parts for console, don't tend to sell those parts VERY cheaply to the console makers for a couple years, which is why consoles always lose money on ...

4010d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think he's trolling. I think that's his opinion and we're free to disagree with it. I would even say there were a couple "boring" parts of Sony's presser, like the small media part.

Basically, as a PlayStation fan that went through all the rediculous fanboyism from the Xbox supporters for the 6 or 7 years of this generation, I'm willing to say ok, war's over. There's just nothing to argue about anymore. It's kinda like US ...

4010d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about my posting history? I don't sit on here ripping apart MS all day. I call it like I see it. Their presser was solid, yeah. Compared to their last 3 years at E3 with conferences filled with nothing but non-sense. AT least this was all about games. I gove them credit there. But nothing other than MGS5 and The WItcher looked what I'd call amazing, both on PS4.

RYSE *LOOKED* good, yeah. But graphics was all I saw there. Content wise it looks like a...

4011d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll probably get torn apart for this or be labelled a fanboy (which I am, but I'm an honest and objective one), I think the conference was a whole lotta fail with a couple high points here and there.

Trying to compete with Sony's Plus program with 2 ancient games a month? LOL I can't believe the crowd didn't burst out laughing. Instead they cheered....yeah....right.....

Killer Instinct would be great.....too bad it looks like crap.

4011d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I just watched it on TV in HD, it looked pretty good. Like PC BF3 at very high settings. I wasn't wowed though to be honest. Though the technical difficulties at the show were frustrating. You could see at the end, that the guy from Dice or EA....wherever he was from.....was pretty pissed.

I also noticed MS and some of the other devs, Dice included and the Halo announcement and nothing else girl.....made a big deal out of 60fps. BF3 and Halo 4 aren't already 60fps? I&...

4011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There probably will be a car tuning app for Vita.

A little hidden gem in this video, is this guy [retty much confirmed the old Bathurst info leak for a year or more ago. I think it was Bathurst, where someone saw the data gatherer for PD and asked what he was doing, and the guy just straight out answered "getting pictures of the track for Gran Turismo 6".

Whatever track that rumor was though, it's confirmed here.

4012d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment